New and ongoing projects
Ongoing industrial collaborations (including CIFRE theses)
Completed projects and industrial collaborations
Completed projects
- ANR SUD (2014-2018): « Dynamic Urban Systems »
- EV-STEP (2012-2015): implementing a systemic modelling approach in order to analyse the implications of massive development scenarios for electric vehicles
- Infini Drive (2011-2015): designing of a recharging infrastructure control system dedicated to new fleets of electric vehicles
- CitInES (2011-2014): creating a multi-scale, multi-energy tool to optimize energy performance for the attention of towns and large industrial complexes
- SUSTAINS (2010-2014): developing a visualization tool of the urban pre-programming phase (new towns)
- ECOTYPE (2011-2013): developing a tool in the form of an educational game, the purpose of which is to help local authorities to communicate with their citizens and make them aware of the issues of town planning and sustainable development
- E3D Environnement (2011-2013): devising a new generation of eco-responsible services to promote local waste prevention and interactivity between supply and demand, the user and the community
- SmartEnco (2013-2015): devising a decision-making tool for reducing energy and water consumption and CO2 emissions in tertiary buildings and small-scale industries dans les bâtiments tertiaires et les petites industries
- GRID-TEAMS (2011-2013): informing households about their energy consumption through Smart grid technologies
- OPTIMATE (2009-2012): An Open Platform to Test Integration in new MArkeT DEsigns of massive intermittent energy sources dispersed in several regional power
- VALERBIO (2007-2009): biomass energy recovery
Completed industrial collaborations (including CIFRE theses)
- GRDF (2021-2024): Optimal decarbonization of residential heating till 2050: technology choice and sectorial implications of carbon neutrality trajectories for France
- RTE (2020-2024): Towards a multi-scale approach in the long-term prospective studies
- IDEX (2019-2023): Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Management in Smart Multi-Energy Systems
- TotalEnergies (2020-2023): Integrating carbon capture, use and storage into socio-technical and economic models: long-term optimisation of the global energy system and decarbonisation of industry
- TotalEnergies (2019-2022): Integration of short-term solar variability in the sizing and simulation of industrial microgrids
- EDF (2018-2021): Integrating uncertainties in short-term operational planning
- Bertin Technologies (2017-2020): Optimal control and energy management of a standalone power station by Robust Optimization
- GRTgaz (2015-2018): Flexibility and long term interactions in multi-energy systems : a techno-economic analysis of new gas and electricity technological pathways in France
- ACTeon (2014-2017): Investigating long-term lifestyle changes into energy foresight studies : a modelling approach
- EDF (2013-2016): Energy retrofits in French dwellings : microeconometric analysis of households’ choices
- AVRIL (2012-2015): Technological and regulatory outlook of French bioenergy sector
- EDF (2009-2012): Prospective modelling of the Non-Energy Intensive Industry for the evaluation of the impact of Energy Demand Management policies by using the model TIMES : the potential of Heat Recovery with Heat Pumps systems in Food and Drink industry
- EDF (2008-2011): Households under carbon constraint : modeling residential and transports sectors with TIMES in a prospective context
- EDF (2006-2009): Bottom-Up modeling, a tool for decision support for long-term policy on energy and environment : the TIMES model applied to the energy intensive industries