Valentina SESSA, teacher-researcher at the CMA, will present her Habilitation to direct research on Friday 6 September 2024 at 9.45 a.m. in Mozart Amphitheater at Mines Paris – PSL, 1 rue Claude Daunesse, 06560 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS, France.

Subject: Exploitation and Exploration of Complementarity Problems

Composition of the jury:

  • Samir ADLY, (Université de Limoges, France), rapporteur
  • Luigi GLIELMO (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy), rapporteur
  • Veronica PICCIALLI (Sapienza – Università di Roma, Italy), rapporteure
  • Paula A.AMARAL (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), examiner
  • Safa BHAR LAYEB (National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia), examiner
  • Nadia MAÏZI (Mines Paris – PSL, France), examinatrice

Résumé :

Valentinsa Sessa will present my research works concerning the different classes of Complementarity Problems (CPs). Thanks to their interdisciplinary nature, CPs arise, in general, from two different cases: from the internal nature of certain classes of dynamical systems or the reformulation of an optimization problem. She will discuss her scientific contribution to using CPs to analyze the steady-state behavior of nonsmooth dynamical systems such as power converters.

In her research, CPs are also the core of numerical algorithms designed to solve certain classes of optimization problems. Valentina Sessa will then present numerical algorithms that exploit CPs to compute a solution to nonconvex optimization problems on the standard simplex.

The PhD defence will be in English and will also be broadcast live. To receive the connection link, pleasecontact us.